Givebutter Elements can automatically store attribution data for you and pass it along when a transaction or donation occurs within an Element. This gives you the tools you need to track where your donations originated.

UTM & Query Parameters

The following query string parameters are automatically tracked when someone visits a page with an Element installed on it:

  • utm_source
  • utm_medium
  • utm_campaign
  • utm_term
  • utm_content
  • gclid (Google click ID)
  • gclsrc (Google Ads)
  • dclid (DoubleClick click ID)
  • fbclid (Facebook click ID)

Custom URL Parameters

If you’d like a bit more control over your data, or have additional custom attributes, you can add custom attribution data using query string parameters on your URL. Anything prefixed with gba_ (Givebutter Analytics) will automatically be stored as attribution data.

For example, if you want to track a social media post using fbPostA as the source, add ?gba_source=fbPostA to the end of your donation URL:{myCampaignUrl}?gba_source=fbPostA

This will automatically store the attribution data as source=fbPostA on the transaction and allow you to see how many transactions came from that Facebook post.

Setting data using JavaScript

You can set attribution data directly using JavaScript. This allows you to control when and how data is set, as well as add custom attribution data to your transactions based on page events or other business logic.


window.Givebutter('analytics.set', 'source', 'fbPostA');

Google Analytics Integration

If you are currently using Google Analytics on your site, we will automatically call ga.set() with the attribution data for you.


By default, attribution data is stored for 30 days in the visitor’s browser. You can adjust this by setting the analytics.maxAge option.

let timeInMinutes = 60 * 24 * 30; // 30 days

window.Givebutter('setOptions', 'analytics', 'maxAge', timeInMinutes);

Setting a key will extend the expire time for the key by the current maxAge. Changing the maxAge option will not affect keys that have already been set.

You can find out the expire time for a key with the function.

window.Givebutter(function(givebutter) {

You can also find out how long you have until the key expires with


`window.Givebutter(function(givebutter) {

Input Field Linking

You can attach analytics data to a form field. This can be used to either export data using hidden input fields and/or collect data by attaching it to existing form elements on your page.

If the element does not have a ‘value’ property then one will be created automatically.

When the input’s value is changed, the analytics data is automatically updated. And similarly, if the analytics data changes, the input’s value will be updated.

Note: input events on the element must be sent in order to detect value changes. If you are using a custom input field that does not send input events, automatic updates will not occur.


It’s possible to export all the analytics data into a single field using the ’*’ key.

By default it’s exported as a query string that can be appended to a URL, but you can also get JSON formatted data using the givebutter-format='json' attribute.


Scoping your data

Every accountId and subdomain has it’s own analytics data, but sometimes that’s not enough. Sometimes you want your attribution data to be grouped separately in different areas of your site. For example, you may want a certain campaign or section of your site to not affect the analytics data for other sections. It’s possible to do this by setting the analytics.scope option in your givebutter elements loader script.

The following example will store the data in the separateSection scope.



Scope is only settable before the load event is fired

This option must be set when the page is loading. Setting it after the page has loaded is not supported and will not work correctly.

You must add it to the loader script as shown in the example below, before the elements.js file is included, to ensure the scope works correctly.

<!-- Givebutter Elements -->
  window.Givebutter=window.Givebutter||function(){(Givebutter.q=Givebutter.q||[]).push(arguments)};Givebutter.l=+new Date;
      "accountId": // Your Givebutter accountID
<script async src=""></script>
<!-- End Givebutter Elements -->

Opt In / Opt Out (GDPR)

If your organization operates in Europe or other areas that require users to explicitly opt-in to data tracking, you can enable in the config options.

window.Givebutter('setOptions', 'analytics', 'requireOptIn', true);

When a user clicks your button to “accept cookies”, you’ll need to fire the following JS function


Alternatively, you can leave requireOptIn set to false and still let the users to optOut to disable tracking:


If you want to delete all the existing tracking data when a user Opts-out, you must explicitly do so:


requireOptIn & optOut prevents the data from being stored between page loads

Any data passed into the current page will still be reported in your donations correctly.

Once the user leaves the page any attribution data will be lost.

Security & Limitations

Keys are limited to 32 characters in length.

Values are limited to 100 characters in length.

You may store up to 12 Keys per transaction. After the first 12 keys the rest will be silently discard.

These limits are only applied when a transaction occurs and do not affect the data stored in the browser.

Analytics data is stored using window.localStorage instead of cookies.

Using window.localStorage ensures the data is only transmitted when necessary, instead of attaching it to every request made by the browser to your site like traditional cookies. This helps keep your site as fast & secure as possible.

window.localStorage is stored separately by the browser for every origin (domain name) that is accessed, and is never accessible to other domain names.

Cross-Origin restrictions also apply to subdomains

This means can not see data from

In order to ensure your tracking data is as accurate as possible, make sure your site is only accessible through a single domain. (Either by redirecting to or vise-versa)

Otherwise, attribution data set through a link to will not be visible if the user returns to your site later using the